Instagram Feedback Required Error
Tips to help you overcome the feedback required error:
1. The recommended fix will be to pause the activity and resume in 24-48 hours with slower speed.
2. Make sure to use function "Pause actions every day.." to pause the module over night.
3. Deactivate the activity: The first step will be to identify what triggers this error, is it when you run a specific tool or does it occurs on all of your activities.
For example, you may see the error only when you run a specific function like Auto-like or Auto-comment. Meanwhile, other functions like Auto Follow and Unfollow are still working perfectly fine.
In this case pause the specific activities for 24 hours while other functions are still running.
4. Pause entire account activities: If you encounter this error when you perform any function via IBF, then you need to pause entire account from performing any task for 24hours.
Also, you’re advised not to perform any activity on the Instagram official mobile app during this period.
5. Reduce Activity Speed: When the pause period in step 2 is finally over, you should set up new activities with a lower speed. If you had been running your campaigns on the Fast speed, switch to the speed before it (Medium).
Run your activities with this reduced speed for at least a week.
6. Avoid running multiple tasks: To be on a safer side, it is recommended to run single activities for the first few days before and never run more than two activities for the next few weeks.
And when combining multiple activities, always avoid Auto Follow + Auto Unfollow at the same time. This could be risky for your account. You can combine two other activities aside these two.
7. Always Read your activity log: The purpose of the log page for every activity is to let you how your account is performing these tasks when you follow these logs, you’ll be able to tell when things are not going right. And you can easily deactivate any activity generating too many errors.
Note: Always deactivate any activity that shows any error similar to ‘InstagramAPI\Response\GenericResponse: Feedback required’ to avoid sending more requests to Instagram.
Instagram (and other social networks) doesn’t know that you are using a proxy, so your trust score increases, there are no blocks, there is no risk of ban, and the IP changes automatically.
8. Remove and re-add your Instagram account: If you purchased a new proxy address, please remove your Instagram account from our system and re-add it again.
The above suggestions are what worked for many of our users who have come across the Instagram Feedback Required error. It is not necessary to try all of the above as a single one could be a fix to your own issue. Understanding what triggers the error is the key to solving it.
If you have any question regarding this article or the problem persist please contact us.
Last updated
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